Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Samantha Pugh - June 16th, 1985

June 16th, 1985

Dear Diary,
 The campgrounds look awesome! We painted the cabins and bathrooms today and tomorrow we'll probably finish with the dock and lifeguard tower. The campers will be here on Wednesday, I'm so excited!
 The other head counselors showed up today. There was Sonny, the camp cook, and Tyrone, the A&C guy. Sonny is a little weird, but cute. I think he's a little older than Dave, but they seem to have known each other for a long time. Dave was so cute laughing with him. Tyrone is fun. He's really sparkly and is always smiling. Oh, and there was Nancy. She's the head counselor for the girls. I guess she's cool. Her and Dave know each other really well, too. I don't think he would ever date her, though. I don't think she's his type. She's very loud.
 I saw Joey flirting with Tina again. He totally has the hots for her, but I think she's not that interested. Brenda told me Tina is in a long relationship with some college guy.
  The girl's cabin is rad. All of the girls get along and there is now lots of room, now that we threw away those grody cots. The boys cabin is real close, so I hope they don't mess around with us. Brenda is so open with her body. She just walks around naked like she was alone in her own room! I just can't be like that. Most of the girls are usually topless when we're just hanging out before bed, but none of them are like Brenda.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I was wondering who owns the photo on the right of boys playing backgammon and whether we could get permission to use it / pay for a licence? any help much appreciated! If you can help with this my email is: marina@who-film.co.uk
